
Google Popular Products section can help you boost organic traffic. How?

Google Popular Products section can help you boost organic traffic. How?
Google Popular Products section can help you boost organic traffic. How?

The evolution of e-commerce is still underway. Google Popular Products is the next step in the e-commerce world’s evolutionary cycle.

Google Popular Products section can help you boost organic traffic. How?

Source: Pixabay

So, what are Google Popular Products?

Google Popular Products section promises to be the new vista for online marketers. This latest effort from the world’s top search engine comes in response to competitors like Amazon. It seeks to reassert Google’s continued domination as a product search destination.

Is Google Popular Products section organic traffic or paid?

Google’s Popular Products section is organic traffic, not paid. It is a search result, not an ad. Ads on Google are always labelled with “Ad” or “Sponsored”. Clicking the three dots next to the header section of Popular Products leads users to the message – “This is a search result, not an ad.” Use this new search engine optimization tool to boost your mobile traffic.

How To Ensure Your Products Meet the Eligibility Criteria

If you want your products on Google Popular products, here is what you need to do:

  1. Upload store and product data through Google Merchant Center.
  2. Upload a product feed with the requisite information to the merchant centre.
  3. Have the following product attributes handy while doing the above – title, description, id, price, link, image link, brand, and availability.

Adding product schema to your product pages is an option. These properties are needed – SKU, brand, description, image, name, global identifier properties, and offers or aggregate rating or reviews.

Can You Measure Traffic From Popular Products?

Measuring traffic here isn’t streamlined yet. Google Search Console is one option when doing this.

In theory, you can measure traffic via URL parameters. If your PLA listing URL is ‘www.myexample.com/blacktrousers.html?referral=shoppingfeed’, then find ‘URL contains referral=shoppingfeed in your organic search reports. This would give you an idea of your success with this new standard of organic traffic.

How To Optimize Popular Product Listings?

To prepare for Google’s new Popular Product Listings, follow these steps:

  • Make sure your titles are keyword-rich.
  • Ensure that you have a large number of high-quality product reviews across all of your stores.
  • Set your product apart, for example, by offering a variety of colours.
  • Provide a competitive price.

Google’s Popular Product section is an option worth exploring. If you are an online marketer, use this new algorithm from Google to increase visibility and boost sales. It can’t hurt.


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